Monday 19 November 2012

Sound Advise

Quote from Letter 5,39 to Empress Constantina. 1 June 595

And so, I still ask that you allow nobody's hypocrisy to prevail against the truth, because there are some  who, in accordance with the words of the egregious teacher, 'by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple'. They have certainly been despised for their clothing, but they are proud in their hearts, and they seem to despise everything in this world, and yet at the same time seek to obtain all those worldly things. They confess to all men they are unworthy, but cannot be content with private titles, because they seek out ways to appear more worthy than all others.
And so, as almighty God has established you as ruler of the universal world, together with your most serene Lordship, may your Piety through the favor of justice render your service to Him, from whom you received the right of such great power
Thus, the more truly you serve the Creator of all things in the execution of the truth, the more securely you would control the world entrusted to you.

Cited from: The Letters of Gregory the Great, translated by John R.C. Martyn (Toronto: PIMPS, 2004), II, 355